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UK Ancestry visa: Everything you need to know

September 7, 2023

🇬🇧 For those with a grandparent born in the UK, the UK Ancestry visa allows you to live and work in the UK while retracing your British roots.

Do you have a grandparent who was born in the UK? Is the ancestral pull back to their homeland calling you? The UK Ancestry visa offers those with UK roots a chance to come and live in the same country that their grandparents did. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about the UK Ancestry visa, from its eligibility criteria to the application process, the benefits it offers and answer some frequently asked questions.

What is the UK Ancestry visa?

For decades, the UK Ancestry visa has provided a pathway for citizens of Commonwealth countries to come a live and work in the UK, just like their grandparents did. The UK Ancestry visa recognises and capitalises on the historical and ancestral connections people have with the UK, offering approved applicants a pathway to live, work, and study in the country for up to 5 years.

Not only does the UK Ancestry visa provide a pathway to live and work in the UK, it provides a pathway to citizenship. Many holders of the UK Ancestry visa choose to apply for ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) after they have completed the 5 years of their visa.

If you are approved for the UK Ancestry visa, you can also apply to bring your spouse or family members with you to the UK as dependants attached to your visa. This allows them to live, work and study in the UK under the same conditions as your visa.

According to immigration data released by the UK Government, approximately 250 - 350 people are approved for this visa every year. If you're one of the approved applications, by the time you complete the duration of this visa you'll be as British as your grandma or grandad.

Eligibility criteria

Eligibility requirements for the UK Ancestry visa are strict. Without the right ancestral heritage, you won't be considered for the visa. If you meet the following eligibility criteria, you may be eligible to apply for a UK Ancestry visa.

UK grandparent 🇬🇧

The clue is in the name about the main eligibility requirement for this visa. To be eligible, you must have a grandparent who was born in the UK.

  • Grandparent's birthplace: Your grandparent must have been born in the United Kingdom, which includes England, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man
  • Proof of relationship: You need to provide evidence to establish your relationship with your grandparent
  • Common ancestry: The relationship must be through blood, and you must share a common ancestry with your grandparent

Nationality 🌍

You must be a citizen of one of the 56 Commonwealth countries to apply. Some of those Commonwealth countries include:

  • 🇦🇺 Australia
  • 🇳🇿 New Zealand
  • 🇨🇦 Canada
  • 🇮🇳 India
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan
  • 🇧🇩 Bangladesh
  • 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka
  • 🇲🇾 Malaysia
  • 🇸🇬 Singapore
  • 🇿🇦 South Africa
  • 🇳🇬Nigeria
  • 🇰🇪 Kenya
  • 🇯🇲 Jamaica
  • 🇨🇾 Cyprus
  • 🇲🇹 Malta

Age 🎂

The only age limit for this visa is that applicants need to be 17 or over to apply.

Financial requirements 💰

The UK Ancestry visa does require the applicant to demonstrate that they have enough money to support themselves through the proof of maintenance funds check. Here applicants need to show that they have the equivalent of £3,310 their bank account for 28 days before applying.

Application process

The application process for a UK Ancestry visa generally involves the following steps.

1. Check eligibility 👍

Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for both your home country and the host country.

2. Gather required documents 📑

Collect all necessary documents, including; passports, ancestral birth certificates, proof of citizenship and financial statements.

3. Complete the application 👩‍💻

Fill out the visa application accurately and honestly, providing all required information.

4. Submit application ✅

Submit your application along with the supporting documents to the designated visa processing centre.

5. Pay the fees 💷

UK Ancestry visa applicants will have to pay for both the visa application fee (£637), and the International Healthcare Surcharge (IHS) for every year of the visa (£1,035 per year for 5 years, £5,175 total)

6. Attend the biometrics appointment 👁

Attend a biometrics appointment and, in some cases, an interview at a visa processing centre.

7. Receive your returned passport with visa vignette 📬

Your passport, documents and visa vignette will be returned to you via post.

8. Enter the UK within the arrival window 🛬

There is a strict window for when you must arrive in the UK and activate your visa.

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Benefits of the UK Ancestry visa

Beyond allowing you to move to the UK and live as a resident, there are some unique benefits of the UK Ancestry visa. If you're eligible for multiple UK immigration options and considering other routes then here are some reasons why the UK Ancestry visa might be your best option.

5 years of duration 🖐️

Doing any UK visa application is painful. There is so much paperwork to do, things to organise and hoops to jump through. One advantage of the UK Ancestry visa is that it allows you a long 5 year duration meaning you don't have to think about visas for another 5 years once you've been approved. Compare that to the shorter 2-3 year duration of the Youth Mobility visa.

Pathway to UK citizenship 🇬🇧

Once you've spent 5 years living in the UK on the UK Ancestry visa, you too can apply for ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) and become a British citizen like your grandparent. Not all UK visas count towards the totals needed to reach ILR and become a British citizen but the UK Ancestry visa does.

You don't need a job to apply 🤝

Unlike many other UK visas, you don't need to have a job offer from a UK employer before you arrive in the UK. This gives you much more flexibility in finding a job that truly suits your needs.

UK Ancestry visa FAQs

If you're looking for the complete list of UK Ancestry visa FAQs, check out this article.

What documents do I need to apply for a UK Ancestry visa?

There are several key documents that you need to provide to prove your British ancestry during the UK Ancestry visa application. These documents include:

  • Your current passport
  • Your birth certificate
  • The full birth certificates of the parent and grandparent your ancestry claim is based on
  • Bank statements with savings of at least £3,310 for 28 days, dated within 31 days from when you submit your application

Does my UK grandparent need to be alive to apply?

Whether your UK grandparent is living or has passed away has no impact on your application.

Can I apply for the visa through a step-grandparent?

You can only apply for the UK Ancestry visa through direct lineage. This means you will only be approved for the UK Ancestry visa through a blood relative or legal adoption.

Does a UK Ancestry visa allow me to work and study?

Yes, a UK Ancestry visa allows the holder to work and study in the UK. In fact, the visa is designed for those who wish to come to the UK to work, so it is expected that the visa holder will find employment while in the country. Additionally, holders of this visa can also pursue educational opportunities in the UK.

Can I apply for a UK Ancestry visa if I've already held a UK visa?

Yes, it's possible to apply for a UK Ancestry visa even if you have previously held another type of UK visa. However, you must still meet all the eligibility requirements for the Ancestry visa, including having a grandparent who was born in the UK, and providing all the necessary documentation to support your application.

Can I switch to a different visa category while in the UK on a UK Ancestry visa?

Yes, you may be able to switch to a different visa category while in the UK on a UK Ancestry visa, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements for the new visa.

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