
Start saving, be prepared for London costs, and open a bank account.

The UK currency

The currency of the UK is the pound sterling (£), often abbreviated to GBP. One pound (£) is made up of 100 pence (p), and is available as:

  • Notes: £5, £10, £20 and £50.
  • Coins: 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2.

Around London you will hear all kinds of slang for British money. 

  • Quid = pound
  • Pee = pence
  • Fiver = £5 
  • Tenner = £10 

Moving costs

Make no mistake, moving to London is expensive, but how much you spend on the move depends on you. This guide shows the main costs when moving.

Items Approximate Cost
Visa application £200 - £1,500 (visa specific)

You’ll also have to show proof of your current finances in your visa application too. This can be proof of a savings amount up to £2,000 - see our Immigration guide for more info.
Healthcare surcharge £600 - £2,000 (visa specific)
Flight to London (one way) From Sydney: £600 - £800

From Hong Kong: £500 - £700

From New York: £350 - £500

From Cape Town: £350 - £500
Short-term accommodation Hostel: £30 - £40 per night

Airbnb: £80 - £150 per night

Someone’s couch: £30 (a round of drinks)
Rent deposit £1,000 - £3,000 (refundable)
Spending money Food: £150 - £200 per week

Transport: £30 - £40 per week

Warm and rainproof clothes: £100 - £300

Bedding: £75 - £150
Travel insurance £50 - £100

Apart from an initial fund, you also may want to budget for:

  • European travel costs 
  • 2-3 months of unemployment while looking for work 
  • An emergency fund for any unexpected situations, such as a sudden trip home. 

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