
What to pack when moving to London, staying online and finding your way around!

Leaving home


Putting your entire life into boxes is no small task and when you do, the amount of stuff you have is often a scary sight. You're not only moving house but moving countries, so some items you have may not be useful in London.

Things you need Things you don't need
Warm and waterproof clothes

Such as: Coats, leather boots, thermals.

Why: London weather is windy, rainy and cold.

Furniture and appliances

Such as: Beds, sofas, microwaves.

Why: Most London flats are furnished.
Medicines or medical equipment

Such as: Medical records, recurring prescriptions.

Why: It will be easier when accessing medical help in the UK if you have your history ready.
Multiple suitcases of clothes

Such as: Multiple pairs of bulky shoes, jackets.

Why: There are plenty of shops in London where you can buy clothes designed for the climate.
Essential documents

Such as: Copy of university degree, rental references, passport copy.

Why: It is a headache if you need to present these and don’t have them.
Bulky leisure items

Such as: Surfboards, bicycles, golf clubs.

Why: Airlines charge a lot to carry these and you can easily repurchase or rent anything you need in the UK.

When sorting all your belongings categorise them as store, pack, sell/donate. It'll make packing a lot easier.


Most airlines have a baggage allowance of around 25 kgs/50 lbs, which is all you need to begin moving with. If needed, additional baggage can be purchased through the airline or alternate shipping companies. 

When shipping over additional items, be careful how they are described. The UK has an import tax that can often cost more than the item itself is worth. There are also restrictions on what you can/can’t send over in shipping. Check your shipping company’s guidelines for more details.

Tying up accounts

It is likely that you will have multiple accounts to update, suspend or cancel before moving. 

Get started early (takes a while):

  • Rental or housing agreements
  • Utilities 
  • Voting 
  • Private health insurance
  • Government accounts
  • Bank accounts 

Just before you go (quick and easy):

  • Tax status 
  • Yearly tax return and accounting information
  • Phone contracts 
  • Gym memberships 

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